How to Get Rid of Adult Acne

Posted by Mia | 12:23:00 AM | | 0 comments »

Adult acne is definitely a common problem. Women are more likely to suffer from adult acne than are men. Adult acne, as well as teen acne, are caused by a variety of factors such as hormones leading to excess oil secretion, the hair duct closure and infection. How to get rid of adult acne depends on the type of acne you have.

A pimple, which in medical terms is called a comedo, is comprised of fat, keratin and skin debris which are ultimately stuck in the hair duct. Obviously, acne is not caused due to lack of hygiene, and finally people are understanding that fact. Gentle face washing is much more effective and better for your skin than is over-washing. It is recommended that you wash your face only twice a day and preferably with lukewarm, soft water. Hard water tends to leave residue on the skin.

When a pimple is open it is called a blackhead. When it is closed it is called a whitehead. Whiteheads usually cause the hair ducts' walls to rupture, gradually they become red, and infected. Squeezing pimples at home is really not recommended and may lead to infection and scarring and possibly lead to spreading the acne. Doctors use sterilized equipment to prevent scarring and infection.

The treatment that is best for you depends on the type of acne you have. The best advice is to see a doctor who will prescribe the best product for you . If you are using an over-the-counter medicine ensure it is an oil-free lotion and wash your face with water. In addition, use peroxide in a very low strength formula. Throughout the day, dab the oily areas of your face with a tissue to remove excess oil.

There are several types of acne treatments available but the best treatment is a topical acid comprised of vitamin A. The newer formulas come in a slow release formula to avoid irritation.

Some other popular acne treatments include creams, alpha hydroxy acids, antibiotics, topical antibiotics, peroxide, among others.

To summarize:
1. Wash your face with soft water, morning and night only, excessive washing will do more harm than good.
2. Do not squeeze pimples at home--see a professional.
3. Use a gentle oil-free lotion to cleanse.
4. Dab oily areas of your face with a tissue to remove excess oil.
4. See a doctor who can prescribe the ideal medication or product for your acne.