What's Good For Age Spots?

Posted by Mia | 12:45:00 PM | | 0 comments »

Age spots (also called liver spots or solar lentigines) are collections of pigment caused by excessive sun exposure, poor liver function, nutritional deficiency, or lack of exercise. Age spots are the yellowish-brown flat spots that look like large freckles of various sizes. Though harmless and painless, these changes in skin color are associated with older skin. They usually appear on the hands, but they can be almost anywhere, such as the face, arms, shoulders, back, or feet- the areas most exposed to the sun. While age spots are very common in adults over 40, they can affect younger people also.

As we age, and our metabolism slows down, the liver may become so overloaded with toxins that it cannot rid the body of them. Years of being in the sun begin to add up. Oxidation within the body, and the lack of antioxidants in our diet, also plays an influential role in this process. Due to thin skin or excessive sun exposure, pigment can also be deposited as a reaction to an injury or bruise, similar to a scar being a response to a cut.

Age spots are the surface sign of free radical intoxification of the body, therefore it may be more beneficial to fight them internally. Vitamins (or foods rich in the vitamins) which may be helpful include: B6 (pyrodoxine), Beta-carotene, B Complex, C, Calcium & Magnesium, Cysteine, D, E, Lecithin, and Selenium. Herbs which may be helpful include: Burdock, Ginseng, Gotu Kola, Licorice root, Milk Thistle, Red Clover, and Sarsaparilla.

Vitamins and herbs may also be applied externally, to be absorbed into the skin. Those useful include: Apple Cider Vinegar, Dandelion juice, Lemon juice, Onion, and vitamins A, C, & E.

Age spots take years to form and eliminating them will also take time, so don't give up. Try a remedy, be patient, and if there's no improvement after a few months, try another one. Avoid excessive sun exposure, and always use a sunscreen of at least SPF 15. Avoid unhealthy fats.

To promote liver function, eat lots of fruits and vegetables (especially raw), & whole grains. Consume plenty of green vegetables. Maintain a healthy weight, and remember that sweating is good for you. Also avoid alcohol, artificial sweeteners, aspirin, caffeine, drugs, fats, food additives & preservatives, foods with artificial anything, meat, processed foods, salt, shellfish, sugar, tobacco smoke, and white flour.

NOTE: Irregular, dark spots that increase in size or change color or texture, should be checked immediately by a doctor. They could be skin cancer.

About the Author
Charles Browne is a research writer for ounceofprevention.info, a free online encyclopedia concerning herbs and other healing foods used in nutritional healing and disease prevention.