How to Remove Blackheads

Posted by Mia | 12:54:00 PM | | 0 comments »

Unfortunately, pores cannot be contracted. They expand with age, more so if your skin type is oily. Dirt and dead cells also increase the size of pores, hence leading to blackheads, and that is why you should always remove your makeup and cleanse your skin properly.

Blackheads or comedones are yellowish or blackish bumps on the skin and are typically caused by excessive oil and makeup. This dirt becomes entrapped in the pores. The substances within these bumps are mostly keratin and modified sebum which becomes darker as they are oxidized.
In order to avoid blackheads, it is important for the skin to be clean but not dry. Hard water use on the skin should be avoided as it can be damaging to skin by leaving dirt deposits.

There exist many methods to remove blackheads. Some experts claim that using the blackhead extractor can damage the capillaries and prefer other methods. Whatever the case, eliminating blackheads all together is difficult to accomplish but not impossible. Be diligent and patient and you will have better looking skin. Keep in mind that honey and oatmeal, together or separately are terrific deep cleansers and should be implemented in every skin care routine.

Here are some recipes to remove blackheads, try one to see which is best for you:

Apply slightly heated honey to the face by tapping gently with your fingers. Remove with plenty of warm water and a final rinse with cool water.

Prepare a paste of honey, oatmeal and egg white and massage into skin for at least 10 minutes. Remove with plenty of lukewarm water.

Rub a slice of tomato over the blackheads.

Prepare a paste of oatmeal and water. Massage into skin and let sit for 10 minutes. Remove with tepid water.


The use of pore cleanser strips, such as Biore, is highly recommended for the removal of blackheads. They can be used once a week and will ultimately clean the pores.

Squeezing blackheads can bruise and break the skin leaving you with blotches for days to come if not scarring and the possibility of broken veins.